
  • First Foxhunting Adventure: Finding the W1MJ v2 Fox!

    Having missed a couple of the recent hunts due to busy weekends plans, I was excited to get the chance to search for a hunt that ran into the middle of the week and was also a bit closer than most. Armed with my tape measure yagi, my KC9ON attenuator and an Explorer QRZ-1 handheld…

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  • Arduino Fox Hunt Controller: Adding Morse Code and Auto Deactivation

    Since the Mic and Speaker on the Baofeng share a pin, I found I can use the same pin I use to monitor the DTMF to output CW as well. Quick software update, borrowing heavily from the code I found for the DTMF foxhunt controller, which included functionality to tone out CW messages, I was…

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  • Arduino Foxhunt Controller for Baofeng: Adding DTMF Control

    I came across a series of Youtube videos which referred me to a now defunct website where someone had posted Arduino codes for a couple of foxhunt controllers– one of which used DTMF codes to activate/deactivate or play special tone sequences. I thought that sounded nifty to potentially add to my controller, so I eventually…

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