
  • Foxhunting with the Handi-Finder!

    Thanks to Eliot, W1MJ, I had the opportunity for another hunt this weekend. A great excuse to get outside and put my Handi-finder to the test! This time the fox was in a conservation area adjacent to the typical hunting grounds for the W1MJ fox; easy to find the parking lot and lots of land…

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  • A New Fox Hunt – Half Successful

    This week W1MJ and K1MJC deployed their foxes at two local conservation areas in close proximity to one another making for an excellent hunt, combined with the unseasonably warm weather. I tried first on Sunday but had trouble activating the foxes. It seems I was speaking too softly to get them to turn on. Both…

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  • First Foxhunting Adventure: Finding the W1MJ v2 Fox!

    Having missed a couple of the recent hunts due to busy weekends plans, I was excited to get the chance to search for a hunt that ran into the middle of the week and was also a bit closer than most. Armed with my tape measure yagi, my KC9ON attenuator and an Explorer QRZ-1 handheld…

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