
  • Building A Portable Slim Jim 2 Meter Antenna

    Building A Portable Slim Jim 2 Meter Antenna

    As you may have read, I’ve been working on a Baofeng-based foxhunt transmitter, and this antenna was built for this project. However, it should also serve well for any other 2 meter needs I have. For the foxhunt transmitter, I wanted a simple, portable antenna that did not require a ground plane or counterpoise. I…

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  • Building a 2M Tape Measure Yagi

    Building a 2M Tape Measure Yagi

    I always enjoy a good project, so when I came across what looked like a good beginner antenna project I couldn’t resist. I had heard a bit about foxhunting, an activity where hams use various methods to locate a hidden transmitter, and came across a local group, the NEMassFoxHunters, who hides transmitters throughout the summer…

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