
  • Baofeng Foxhunt Controller: Arduino Shield Prototype

    Baofeng Foxhunt Controller: Arduino Shield Prototype

    I had some free time and wanted to move the circuit to a more usable/permanent design, so I got an Arduino Uno prototype shield and moved the circuit over. This was my first time doing this type of work, so while my connections ultimately worked, my layout was a bit lackluster, crossed-over wires and most…

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  • Foxhunt Transmitter: Replacing The Relay with a Transistor

    One of the first mods I wanted to make to my initial Baofeng Foxhunt Transmitter was to replace the clunky 5v relay with a more efficient transistor to switch the PTT. Not having a lot of electronics engineering experience, I did a little research into some ‘transistor as switch’ circuits and a general purpose NPN…

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  • First Attempt at an Arduino Foxhunt Transmitter

    First Attempt at an Arduino Foxhunt Transmitter

    I thought it would be a fun project to try to put together my own foxhunt transmitter. While I initially thought of several ideas for low power transmitters, most designs require some knowledge of transmitter circuits to avoid harmonics and things of this nature. I figured it would be easier to start by leveraging a…

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  • Building the KC9ON 4 MHz Offset Attenuator

    Building the KC9ON 4 MHz Offset Attenuator

    As a next step in my foxhunting setup, I was looking to build an attenuator. I had seen a few different plans and styles, but came across a great little kit from KC9ON for his v5 Attenuator and picked it up for about $15 shipped. The kit comes with all the parts well labelled and…

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  • Building a 2M Tape Measure Yagi

    Building a 2M Tape Measure Yagi

    I always enjoy a good project, so when I came across what looked like a good beginner antenna project I couldn’t resist. I had heard a bit about foxhunting, an activity where hams use various methods to locate a hidden transmitter, and came across a local group, the NEMassFoxHunters, who hides transmitters throughout the summer…

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